It was January 5th and I finally had my new (to me) M8 in my hands! Awesome. However, the weather here in the North East was pretty bad. Snow almost twice a week and pretty cold. But hey, I got to get out there and take some photos! I headed out to the street and started shooting. I took about 60 pics (all Raw DNG files) in the first two hours and was surprised by a several things.
1) Exposure - For some reason it felt really different to me coming my from Panasonic G1... First, I loved setting the aperture on the lens ring. Soooo much better than using a scroll wheel. Also, I was shooting in Aperture priority (A) mode so it was easy to expose. However, I am used to using Auto ISO so this was a new experience me. Sounds simple but with the changing light it was a little challenging for me to pick one. In addition, I kept seeing that the exposure was a stop or two to the left of blown highlights on the histogram... even adjusting the compensation I still couldnt seem to get it to the right. More practice on metering and exposure required.
2) Holy crop Batman! I was surprised that for some reason I wasnt getting close to my subjects at all. The picture above was taken from across the street and then cropped (see the larger pic and then the final one posted). I am used to using primes and not zooms but for some reason I found myself taking shots from a distance and then cropping them later. The level of detailed captured by the M8 is AMAZING... you can easily crop and maintain detail. Very fun, but more practice with getting in close required.
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